
West Perry School District Nurses

High School
Amanda Davis, RN CSN M. Ed. 
789-3931 ext. 5408
[email protected] 
Middle School
Karen Magee, RN CSN MSN M. Ed.
789-3012 ext. 6303
[email protected]
Blain Elementary
Erica Foster, LPN
536-3219 ext 3504
[email protected]

Carroll Elementary
Chelsea Davis, RN
582-4256 ext 4205
[email protected]
New Bloomfield Elementary
Sabrina Andrews, RN CSN M. Ed.
582-4318 ext.2203
[email protected]

Nurse's News Bites

We are here to help keep students and staff safe and healthy.  This year we need the help of our Mustang Community to be successful.  Do not hesitate to contact your building nurse with questions or for guidance.
1.  Clean your hands frequently and well.
2. If participating in outdoor activities such as recess or rewards, please wear appropriate outerwear for the conditions.
3.  Keep them/stay home if ill. Please keep your child at home if they have ONE of these - fever 100.4F or greater (or elevated temperature from child's known baseline), new cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea OR TWO of these - congestion/running nose, nausea, chills, muscle aches or sore throat.
4.  Please keep your student home until they have been fever free for 24 hours without medication.

Required exams

Students in grades 7, 3, and Kindergarten must have a completed dental exam on file with the school. Students in grades 11, 6, and Kindergarten must have a completed physical exam on file with the school. Exam Forms can be found under Parents>Resources>Parent Documents>Health Forms.

Vaccine Requirements

All students enrolling in West Perry in grades Kindergarten through 12 must have the state-required immunizations. Students in 7th grade and above are also required to have tetanus (Tdap) and meningitis boosters.
Seniors must provide proof of at least one dose of the meningitis vaccine after their 16th birthday. Proof of vaccination must be provided within the first 5 days of school.   

Keeping your child home

The school nurses work on the assumption that you have made the decision your child is well enough to attend school.  Please consider keeping your child at home if he or she: has a fever of 100 degrees or higher (without being medicated), has been vomiting, has a severe sore throat, or other symptoms that would prevent him or her from participating in class. Please contact your school nurse with questions or concerns regarding sending your student to school.  

Type 1 diabetes information 
Type 1 Diabetes Parent Fact Sheet.pdf