Characteristics of Gifted Children, Screening and Evaluation Guidelines:
In compliance with Chapter 16, (Pa. Code 16.21 (b)), the West Perry School District is responsible for locating, identifying, and educating school-aged students who are gifted and require specially-designed programs or services.
Definition of Mentally Gifted -outstanding intellectual and creative ability
which requires specially designed programs or support services, or both,
not ordinarily provided in the regular education program.
West Perry School District is committed to provide programs and services for gifted students based on the individual's needs and abilities. West Perry uses a multi-step process to locate and identify mentally gifted students including parent or teacher referrals, screening tools, demonstrated student achievement, formal assessment, etc.
Gifted Services and Programming
The identification of a gifted student is dependent upon demonstrated strength in one or more academic areas. Upon identification, a Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP) is developed based on the Gifted Multidisciplinary Team's evaluation report and recommendations. The GIEP team determines the student's placement and the instructional environment that provides enrichment or acceleration, or both. In addition, the GIEP team determines appropriate specially designed instruction and support services that are:
Conducted in an instructional setting
Provided in an instructional or skill area
Individualized to meet the educational needs of the student
Reasonably calculated to yield meaningful benefit and student progress
Adaptations or modifications included in the general curriculum
Based on the student's interest, ability levels, readiness and learning needs
An integral part of an educational objective
West Perry School District provides Gifted Education at each school and has designated Gifted Teachers who are aware of the unique learning differences and needs of gifted learners. They work in collaboration with the regular education teacher(s) to ensure that the student's gifted services and specially designed instruction provides benefit to the student's education program. West Perry School District promotes flexible gifted programming based on the GIEP in order to provide instruction with appropriate level of challenges and allows adjustments to accommodate individual needs.
Parents are integral members of the student's educational team. West Perry encourages and promotes parent participation in planning and evaluating the learning experiences of their child through the referral, evaluation and GIEP process. Collaboration with the school district is essential when determining enrichment and/or acceleration options and appropriate challenges within a specific grade or subject.
Questions regarding Gifted Education can be directed to the Coordinator of Student Services at (717) 789-3934.
Additional information regarding Gifted Education and Pennsylvania's Chapter 16 Regulations and Guidelines for Gifted Education can be found at: