On Friday, May 12th, 2023, the West Perry High School Jazz Ensemble, Concert Band, and Mixed Chorus participated in the Music in the Parks Adjudication Festival at Lower Dauphin High School, Central Dauphin East High School, and Central Dauphin Middle School.
Jazz Ensemble earned a "Superior" rating with a score of 90.5 (out of a possible 100 points) and finished first out of three Jazz Ensembles in Class A (schools with 750 students and less). The Jazz Ensemble also won the Best Overall Jazz Ensemble award by finishing first out of four in Class A and AA (schools with 751 and more students). In addition, Nikita Milliken was awarded the Best Overall High School Jazz Soloist for her vocal performance of Norah Jones' Don't Know Why.
Concert Band earned a "Superior" rating with a score of 91.5 and finished first out of six Concert Bands in Class A. The Concert Band also won the Best Overall Concert Band award by finishing first out of eight Concert Bands in Class A and AA.
Mixed Chorus earned a "Superior" rating with a score of 90.0 and finished first out of two Mixed Choirs in Class A. The Mixed Chorus also won the Best Overall Mixed Chorus award by finishing first out of four Mixed Choirs in Class A and AA.
This was a monumental feat as 28 ensembles from Maryland, New York, and Pennsylvania attended the festival, and only 5 "Superior" ratings were given - three going to West Perry High School.