Kindergarten Registration

West Perry School District is excited to invite the Class of 2038 to the annual in-person Kindergarten Registration event on April 8 and 9 at New Bloomfield Elementary School. *This page will be updated to include a link to register online near the end of February.*

Paper packets are mailed to families of school-age children in late February. West Perry uses the census data to identify families with children who turn 5 before September 1, 2025. Please make sure the census form is correct to ensure you will receive a packet for your child.

**Parents of current West Perry PreK students will receive an email with information about updating your child's information for kindergarten. You will not need to attend Kindergarten Registration.** 

At the annual in-person Kindergarten Registration event:

You will visit these stations:

Your child will visit these stations:

  • Online Enrollment (if necessary)

  • Document Verification

  • Transportation

  • School Readiness

  • Food Service

  • Health (if necessary)

  • Academic Screening

  • Speech & Language Screening

  • Vision Screening

  • Hearing Screening

You will be able to schedule an appointment through the online registration process once it is available. The following information is provided for planning purposes:   

  • Appointments will take approximately one hour. 

  • You should plan to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time.

  • Appointments are limited to 15 per time slot, so please complete the online enrollment form and select your appointment time early.

Appointments will be available as follows:

9:30 9:30
10:30 10:30
11:30 11:30
 4:30 4:30 
5:30 5:30
 6:30 6:30 

For any questions or assistance, please contact Lisa Dodson at 717-789-3934 x5521 or [email protected]. Please also contact the district if you are not sending your child to West Perry for kindergarten or if you are holding your child for another year.